Published on 10th May 2022

How to secure your office with Visitor Management System

How to secure your office with Visitor Management System

Often companies neglect office security that could lead to data breach and unauthorized access to sensitive areas especially in companies where the daily visitors are more than hundreds of people. This is why it is important that companies should invest in a good visitor management system that will help them to tackle the security threats that could happen in their workplace and automate the process.

Unauthorized Access

Sometimes, even though the company has a good security personnel around it is impossible to track the visitors activity in the building. This is when the unauthorized visitor gets a chance to go inside the sensitive areas like a server room, which in turn could lead to data leak. Access control system integrated with visitor management system will help you avoid such entries.

Fake identity

It’s possible that some visitors may register using fake names into the visitors log, so that they could get away with their wrong-doings with the fake identity. But when you have visitor management system with ID scanner, the visitor cannot check-in into the system using fake names. This way you can ensure that all the registration is genuine.

Employees after office hours

In visitor management system you can add your company’s office timing so that when an employee tries to enter the building after office hours, the administration department can get notified and track their activity.

Automating your visitor management process will help you establish an additional strong layer of security to your infrastructure housing business-critical systems, computer equipment, central servers and internet servers under one roof.

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